
The Technology Shift That Makes 222 Pure-Air™ Safe For Human Exposure.

It is well noted by the scientific and medical community that conventional UVC (254nm) germicidal lamps are incredibly efficient at killing and inactivating bacteria and viruses but are also damaging to the outer layers of the human skin and eyes. For this reason safety protocol around UVC (254nm) sterilisation is strict and always involves no human exposure while these lamps are operating. This can leave spaces out of operation for hours, which can lead to inefficiencies within organisations and difficulties to scheduling.

The Key Difference Is In The Wave Lengths

The key difference between 222 Pure-Air™ and conventional UVC technologies, is in the use of different wavelengths. Traditional UVC solutions produce a wave length usually of 254nm. This wave-length effectively inactivates bacteria and viruses, but will also cause damage to the human skin and eyes.

222 Pure-Air™ utilises the wavelength 222nm which inactivates bacteria and viruses but, has been scientifically shown to be safe for human exposure. This means that 222 Pure-Air™ can work while we work, meet or relax without putting premises out of operations for hours on end.




Read The Research

Exploratory clinical trial on the safety and bactericidal effect of 222-nm ultraviolet C irradiation in healthy humans. Click here to read more.

Far-UVC light (222 nm) efficiently and safely inactivates airborne human coronaviruses. Click here to read more.

Long-term Effects of 222-nm ultraviolet radiation C Sterilizing Lamps. Click here to read more.



Where Did UVC Come From?

The study of wavelengths has unlocked revolutionary technologies over time and is now helping us fight pathogens in our air, water and environment

How Is UVC Effective?

UVC 222 is a frequency of light that is safe to humans but effective at killing up to 99.9% of viruses and bacteria.

How Is UVC Safe?

The type of far-UVC 222 light used in 222 Pure-Air™ is strong enough to inactivate viruses but IS NOT strong enough to penetrate human skin or tear layers.

What Research Shows Light Wavelengths Of 222nm Are Effective At Inactivating Bacteria And Viruses?

On June 24, 2020, Columbia University published its latest research showing that Far-UVC 222nm light can safely kill more than 99.9% of seasonal coronaviruses present in airborne droplets. The new paper extends previous research to seasonal coronaviruses, which are structurally similar to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19

How Do I Know 222 Pure-Air™ is working?

While specific exposure times and distances may affect the speed of UVC 222 sanitization, 222 Pure-Air™ disinfection lighting products have a motion sensor which turns the light off when motion has been detected in the vicinity of the light. You can see whether the light is active or not by checking the signal light on the fixture.


Why is 222 Pure-Air™ Better Than Chemical Sanitising Solutions?

222 Pure-Air™ solutions require no downtime and no harmful chemicals so they can help you save time and reduce the risk of accidental contamination for occupants and household pets.
